Thursday, March 12, 2009

How to live forever

Mind set
Crazy talk you think, no one can live forever. Yet the bible has many people in it that lived hundreds of years. The bible is not alone either, other ancient and holy books also tell tales of beings living hundreds of years. In our own time we have recorded area’s where people routinely live to one hundred hears or more. How then is this longevity attained? Can anyone live that long? The simple answer is that yes, you can attain a prolonged, possibly infinite physical life IF you are willing to do what it takes.

First, you have to stop looking at yourself in the singular form (I) instead of the plural (we). The being you look at in the mirror each day is far more complex than that. He (or she) is a miniature version of the Creator and is composed of a body, a mind, a spirit and a soul. Each is distinct and each is different in it’s needs even though they are part of the same whole. Yet though separate, each affects the health of the others. If one becomes sick it can infect or poison the others also.

The Body
The physical form is a creation made and shaped by the environment in order to allow our survival in it while the mind, spirit and soul mature. It remains with us until we have evolved sufficiently to travel to our next evolutionary stage.

Scientists tell us that every cell in the body is replaced every 7 years. The 7 year cycle was at one time sufficient to allow for us to live forever, the cells in our bodies constantly dying and being reborn at the same rate. .

However with the introduction of unnatural substances (chemicals etc) in our foods, toxins in our air, land and water supply and the constant mental overload (stress), the life expectancy of a human being has dropped dramatically. Unnatural substances, toxins and stress combine to deteriorate and kill our bodies cells faster than they can regenerate. The solution therefore is simple, if you want to live longer just restore the balance between the rate at which body’s cells die and the rate at which they are created. If you want to have a younger body, accelerate the regeneration process

The Mind
The mind is an exceedingly powerful thing. Our consciousness is here as are the processes that allow us to run our daily lives. But the mind has terrible power over the body. There are cases where a person was shot in the arm with a 22 caliber rifle, looked down and saw the blood and died on the spot while there are recorded cases in battle where soldiers fought on even though they were clinically dead, finally succumbing only when the immediate emergency had past. Mothers have been recorded as lifting cars from atop their children who were hit by vehicles. We die because society tells our minds we have to and the mind in turn tells the body, but that is a lie. We die simply because we kill ourselves, if our mind tells the body to die, it obeys.

The Spirit
The spirit causes us to pursue goals. It is the source of enthusiasm, drive, determination and self esteem. A deprived spirit becomes listless and irritable. As time progresses it is robbed of drive and determination causing the being to abandon or even fail to try for a goal, insisting that the effort is wasted because the goal will never be attained.

The Soul
The soul lives forever but it does not necessarily live well. It is our connection with the Creator and the recipient of his wisdom. It alone among all the components of our being is multi-dimensional and is our connection to the Creator. It's purpose is to seek the next step in our evolution and through it ultimately the Creator.

To help guide it, the Creator has given each soul a connection to the divine. The “inner voice” you hear people talk about. This connection can be accessed through deep meditation. A soul deprived of it’s spiritual connection to the Creator wanders aimlessly, doomed to suffer the emptiness inside until the connection is restored and it can find the path home.

How we kill the body

Overall stress
Although manifest in many forms, stress is the biggest killer of all 4 of a being’s components. Stress is the being’s (or one of it’s components) need for something that goes unfulfilled or when it is forced to do something to which it is unaccustomed or is un-natural. Like a hunger the longer the need goes unfulfilled, or the farther from the normal, natural path, the more the stress. As the need grows or the behavior strays farther, the more stress manifests itself and causes harm. Nearly every physical and mental disease, injury and malady has it’s root cause in stress either to the afflicted or once close to them. The reduction of stress on every level is mandatory to a long life, healthy body, clear mind, robust spirit and gentle soul.

Being sedimentary
It has long been known that sedimentary beings incur a loss of general fitness due to atrophy of the muscles. What is also true, though not generally commented on, is the stress it places on the body. Because the strength and flexibility of the body have decayed, the body incurs stress when forced to do otherwise ordinary tasks. Thus for a large man, the simple act of tying his shoes may result in bodily stress from the effort required to force the muscles to work more than usual.

Lack of an active and fulfilling sex life
I am not referring to one night stands or quick flings, here. I am referring to intimate activities of all kinds between consenting adults, Who genuinely love and care for one another. Frequent, enjoyable, adventurous lovemaking makes a couple feel loved, desired and needed by each other. It brings them closer together and instills a loving, trusting bond between them enriching their lives and their relationship.

While lovemaking normally involves only a few of the components of a being, there is a style of lovemaking involving the bonding of 2 beings on every level. All components of their being merge and bond in a swirl of passion and mutual pleasure that cannot be described. The bonding of mind, soul and spirit as well as body is something that has to be experienced to be understood. Suffice to say the feelings experienced by one that has achieved it are lasting and transcend anything of a merely physical nature.

But an unfulfilled sex life attacks and stresses the body on many levels. It can cause a chemical imbalance that affects the other parts of the body and can interfere with thought processes and rational thinking. It can destroy relationships, lives and personalities and is the most powerful, if subtle, source of stress on every level. A pleasurable, fulfilling and frequently enjoyed sex life reduces stress significantly on many levels. It is among the best of all methods for reducing stress and certainly among the most pleasurable. The physical exertion exercises the body and helps prevent atrophy of the muscles and increases lung capacity as well as flexibility and endurance. The mind turns off the outside world, focusing only on mutual gratification and the moment at hand, while the spirits of the people blend in mutual support and intimate shared joy.

Unhealthy foods
Foods in supermarkets are contaminated with chemicals which prolong freshness, enlarge the items and deter rot. Growth hormones permeate our meat products and poultry. These chemicals are added not to promote better health but to maximize profits. They create imbalances in the body and stress the organs as the body struggles to rid itself of poisons while being starved for the nutrients it needs for cell building. Whenever possible, fresh farm produce should be purchased for meals and meats from outlets where the use of growth hormones in raising meat products is prohibited. Everything should be washed thoroughly before use to remove pesticides and cooking methods should be used that do not remove the vitamins, nutrients and minerals from the foods. Meats should be thoroughly cooked. Vitamin and mineral supplements are fine but should be used in addition to and not in lieu of a health diet.

Harmful and / or stressful work environment
Stress at work is another factor. Failing to take breaks, failing to eat properly and when you are hungry, arguing or being called on the carpet all are stressors. Because we tend to identify ourselves with our work, any attempt to devalue our contribution is (subconsciously or not) taken personally and often results in even more stress as we desperately attempt to make up for our “deficiencies” or chastise ourselves for our “failures“.

Workers need to realize that it is no disgrace to make a mistake, that only those who do nothing never make mistakes. They need to realize the sad truth that the company they work for is generally more interested in profit than employee health, wellbeing and longevity. After all, the main objective of business is to make money not to make them happy.

Although employers and management should certainly have the right to discipline troublesome employee’s and correct inefficiencies and error, they have no right to berate an employee or treat him or her with anything other than the consideration, respect and dignity they deserve as a human being.

Unfortunately, too many management use the very techniques that are harmful to their employee’s to attempt to motivate them or for personal gain. Such techniques include but are not limited to, character assassination, employee degradation, overwhelming workloads, rumor and innuendo, public humiliation, blatantly unfair treatment, humiliating tasks and idea or innovation theft and plagiarism. Employers and management alike should bear in mind that the use of such tactics does nothing but harm in the long run and destroys mutual trust, respect and good employer / employee relationships.

Failure to take breaks and lunch while at work
It is important to take breaks and lunch as management allows. Breaks are the time you can use to rid yourself of some of the built up stress during the previous hours and are important for maintaining a rested mental outlook.

Take a break every 2 hours throughout the day, get up and walk around the room for a minute. Stretch, get the blood flowing back to your brain. If your eyes start burning, take a break or just lean back and close them for a few moments instead of waiting till they are about to burn out of their sockets. Breaks don’t have to be long just often.

Breaks also give you time to fuel and hydrate your body and provide the cells materials to rebuild. Divide the day into 5 parts, select something small and nutritious to consume at each part. Try to stay away from high sugar and fat goodies like donuts. Eat something light and nutritious for break such as a piece of fruit and hydrate yourself with a refreshment such as water, milk or juice. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES USE ENERGY DRINKS !

Lunch is also very important for the same reasons as breaks. But because they are longer in duration, a proper lunch can go an even longer way towards stress reduction and regeneration. Lunches offer in most cases the opportunity for a change of scenery, use it! They also offer a chance for enhanced nutrition and relaxation so add a piece of chicken or other protein food to your lunch, listen to the radio or read and relax in the sun.

Failure to give the body time to regenerate
The body needs sleep to allow itself time to regenerate the cells which were burned out during the day. Failure to allow this time will upset the balance between the cells that die and the cells that are being born, affecting the being as a whole and delivering massive and cumulative amounts of stress. Try relaxing with a book, listening to the radio, meditation or some warm milk if you can’t sleep (lactose has been shown to be a natural sleep aid). Do not try to force yourself to sleep, the anxiety you produce will only keep you awake longer.

Lack of time for the mind to rest
The mind like the body needs time to relax and regenerate itself. It needs the peace, contentment and a sense of well being as much as the body needs rest. Allow it to get away from the busy work day by engaging in a favorite activity, art, hobby or craft which allows the body and mind to communicate in a soothing pleasurable manner. Anything to get your mind away from work.

Inattention to spiritual matters and family
This one eats at the soul like a cancer. If left unattended it slowly gnaws at the soul until there is almost nothing left. It can result in a poisoning of the being and denial of the evolutionary jump forcing the being to repeat the physical birth process again and again. Regular discussion and debate of spiritual topics reminds the soul of it’s purpose (to seek the Creator) and allows it to gauge it’s progress in the journey. It provides insight and eases the communication of the being with the Creator and / or His emissaries. It is vital to putting the being into the right frame of mind to be receptive to the whisperings of the divine and to ultimately understand them.

Stress is the reason we die.
Mental Stress - can be reduced by frequent breaks at work, hobbies and meditation
Body Stress - can be reduced by a simpler lifestyle, regular exercise, diet and proper rest.
Spirit Stress - can be reduced by frequent pleasurable activities and ponderings
Soul Stress - can be reduced by regular meditation and regular spiritual discussion

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